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Studio Unflown ElNido 2016_edited.jpg

Jacob Covey Design 
for Art & Commerce

"Anything Jacob Covey does is worth looking at."

Unflown is the graphic design studio of Jacob Covey, an award-winning designer whose work has appeared in Print, Communication Arts, and How magazines, as well as numerous blogs and books on design and visual culture. He also serves as Creative Director at the pioneering comics and art publisher Fantagraphics, where he ushered in an era of thoughtful packaging with high-quality production. This work has been nominated for numerous Eisner Awards for Publication Design, and recognized by the New York Book Show and the AIGA's 50/50. His poster work is in the permanent collection of, and has appeared in exhibits for, the likes of the Museum of Pop Culture and the Library of Congress.

Past and present work includes poster and album design for music venues and record labels; book design for leading publishers; exhibition and catalog design for US and UK museums; and branding/graphics for various skate, comics, music, and fashion companies. 


Jacob is also the editor/curator of the two-volume "BEASTS!" books, coordinating 180 international artists and four writers to complete a modern classical bestiary. The series produced foreign editions, three art shows, a print show, an interactive exhibit, and inspired a Dreamworks TV pilot that may remain hidden in a vault.

BA in Graphic Design, Western Washington University;AAS in Photography, Spokane Falls Community College


Get in touch with your needs: covey /at/


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